Show All Answered Unanswered 1Long distance plans 1Changing plan 1How to unlock LG Stylo phone? 0When will Sasktel be able to support apple watch series 3 with cellular? 0Remote wifi 0How can I get my Fido phone unlocked to use a Sasktel SIM card 0Can i get a prepaid account if i still have an existing account owing 0Why is SaskTel taking advantage of elderly customers or any customer who doesn't need a smartphone? 1Can I earn $200 after transfering from Sasktel to Bell and buying $100 accessories? 1Can I take my Virgin Mobile number with me to SaskTel? 1Why are my text showing incoming texts an hour ahead? 1How to change direct deposit info on my Sasktel account? 1How much does it cost me to text to Australia? 1If I am from Canada and in Canada and I send a text message to the USA will I get charged? 1Should I be worried because I left my SIM card on my phone that I sold? 1Does SaskTel have his and her plan? 0Do I still get unlimited data while out of province? 0How to switch from Verizon to SaskTel? 1Will my Samsung Galaxy S II work in Germany? 0Is it worth it to join SaskTel from another province? MORE